Finned Coil Water to Air Heat Exchangers

Brazetek offers a broad selection of finned coil heat exchangers, also known as “water to air heat exchangers”, due to their popularity in forced air heating and cooling applications. These units are suitable for a large number of projects including water to air and air to water heat transfer uses, such as outdoor wood furnaces, boilers, stoves, residential and light commercial forced air heating and cooling applications, as well as liquid chilling applications and many others.
Brazetek water to air heat exchangers feature high performance aluminum fin plates for maximum heat transfer efficiency, seamless copper coil tubing for long-lasting and leak-free performance, heavy-duty 18-gauge galvanized steel casing to insure integrity of the unit and standard 1" sweat inlet/outlet connections which make any system integration fast and easy. Heat exchanger size denoted (AxB) indicates finned area.